Jan 31, 2014


I may have mentioned this before, but apparently I live a rich, fantasy life.

And when I say that, I don't mean I have aspirations to pretentiousness . . . most of the clothes I wear are too speckled in paint or ink stains to get away with that kind of behavioural quagmire.  No, what I mean is I go around all "Oooooh, I'll blog about such-and-such on Friday," then get completely side-tracked but later somehow recall actually posting something.

Ergo: I haven't posted anything new since (holy crap!) September (!!!!) because I thought I had been posting stuff all along!

I don't even know what to say after that.  Except maybe: please don't put me in assisted living care!

Now I've got to go back and revisit my files to see what I've been doing since my last post!  I know I've done something but I can only remember back to about Christmas.  Probably time to start taking those memory booster vitamins I keep buying (but keep forgetting to take)!

The famous Pencilated Power Nap!
(This would be an example of what I HAVEN'T been doing since September. . . honest!)