So you know how sometimes you can have all these things to do to reach a particular goal that you DO work on but there's so many things it just feels like a never ending path of drudgery and boredom? And you slug it out day after day (or, in my case, for about four hours every weekend if I feel like it) feeling like you're in over your head and nothing will ever get done and there's NO END to it all and you're tired of slaving away (for four hours every weekend if I feel like it) with no sense of accomplishment? And then one day they all start to wrap up at the same time and you feel amazingly productive and awesome and the birds sing and the sky is bluer than it's ever been because you are just that fantastic?
Well, bully for you, 'cause I'm still stuck somewhere on Drudgery Lane. Near the end, yes, but still.
Though I do admit I naturally nail fantastic on a daily basis, so maybe I do know what that feels like. Excuse me a moment, I have to toss my hair.
Anywho. Thought I should probably check in with a few updates and hereto-fores before I forgot I had a blog in the first place (like I frequently do):
2. Why YES, I have been working on stuff, thanks for asking! Witness the bag-o-yarn in the living room that is sloooooowly evolving into a sweater that some lucky Canadian child will wear long before she (or her sister) graduate high school. Poor kids have had to go through their infancy without this amazing sweater (and it's differently hued twin)--you gotta feel it in the heartzone when kids have to deal with that kind of poverty. Witness also the pile of embroidered cut-felt medallions littering my desk--made a mobile for a friend, decided to make about 6 more to sell (reserve yours today! Because it is just that awesome.). Created some stencil designs over the July 4 weekend and will be bringing versions of that to a throw pillow near you later this summer--I can't say more lest other Etsy-folk are thinking to snag the idea. There's more, but already I see your eyes glazing over with the sheer potential delightfulness that awaits. That's what I'll tell myself, anyway.
3. What else?. . . Um. ?
3b. Several weeks ago I came to the conclusion that I needed a regular job--it had something to do with paying the bills and eating regularly. You just never know what drives people to do what they do, right?! (I'm driven by pot-stickers and orange chicken, FYI.) The art stuff is limited to about 2 days a week, but I'm not giving it up. Just . . . gotta get more momentum with it while kicking some of these student loans to the curb.
4. Someone suggested I needed to find a way to make it (the art stuff) fun again--keeps the fire lit under my arse with the drudgery. So, no more of this announcing what I'm going to do, or what I'm currently working on, or whatever. (Um, from this point forward that is. . . ignore all of #2 above! Crap.) It will just be a surprise to everyone (including myself, thank you Project ADD) what I have to offer from week to week. Now on sale: Nothing! Surprise!
5. Pencilated is now connected to Facebook, see the button link on the bottom of the web page. Probably connecting a Pinterest account soon, too, gawd help us. (Want to see what a research scientist/artist/crafter with Project ADD looks like? Like a Pinterest pinner on crack. 5417094583 new albums each week, guaranteed!)
6. Mobile browsers: sorry about your luck, the website is loaded with hover and active panel features and some hotspot goodies. Though I will say it still manages to work just fine on most smartphones and iPads I've used, so your mileage may vary?? Coming soon (er, relatively soon--like maybe by Christmas 2025): Pencilated mobile site!
And, since I have to include a pix of something related to the contents of this post but I'm too tired to make something new, I present to you one of my favourite MSPaint sketches-in-5-mins-or-less:
And now I'm craving orange chicken, dammit! (sigh)
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